Free blog design by Louise Franks {Blog} Designs. Digiscrapping elements by Louise Franks{Digiscrapping} Designs.»

Saturday 12 January 2013


As Salam everyone..
this is my new blog after years not being a blogger. Looks like blog setting had change so much..and i mcm org gile nk setting balik sume according to my needs now..muahaha
The reason why i started back blogging cause this is where i can share my quilt project a.k.a quilt order with u guys.. i'm not a professional quilter like others but i just L.O.V.E.D quilting n make some baby crafts since i had Umar Rifqi in my life...
so, just wait for my quilt entry tomorrow coz now im so sleepy (work hard to build up a blog pdhal pki free template je pon..kikiki)..byeee!!!


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