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Wednesday 5 February 2014

We are moving

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone..
Currently i dont have much time to update so many accounts. If you want to see thrielle craft updates, please straight to our facebook account

Or email us
 Here some latest quilts and baby bedding

Thanks so much
Much ❤️❤️
Thrielle Craft

Monday 20 May 2013

April/May Quilt batch

As salam and hi everyone..last april i was quite busy "balik kampung" for two weeks, and tak sempat nak siapkan banyak quilt..but there are some photos that i have uploaded for you visitors!! Any questions? Feel free to reach me at:
1. Email me :
2. Sms/viber/wechat/whatsapp :0133808464
3. Visit (dont forget to like!!) Thrielle Craft facebook page here (more updates here..) yess, i mmg malas update blog..
Enjoy the photos darl..
Much much ♥♥♥,
Thrielle Craft quilter

Tuesday 19 March 2013

March quilt -1

Hi!! As Salam everyone..
Want to show you guys some of the finished quilts that have been / will be ready to send to my beloved customer..
Waahh..sgt penat hokeyy.. tp bila tgk da siap..hmm..sgt puas hati!! Perfecto!!
I am ready to make a quilt but some of my customer want a pillowcase that got to be matched with thier quilt..ok..ok..customer is always here they are..tada!!!
Visit me at my facebook  or sms/call/whatsapp me at 0133808464..tq!!
Lots of love,
Thrielle craft

Friday 1 March 2013

Order closed.tq

As Salam all..
I would like to inform you that the quilt order has been closed for this month. Firstly, I would like to thank those who have ordered and insyaAllah I will complete it as soon as possible. And for those yg terlepas this batch, dont worry , april batch akan datang..hihi but i cant promise you when it will be open..
So, please feel free to visit my blog and i will update you the progress of your order. Next post will be on how i am making my top quilt for my lil one, umar rifqi..(tgh kumpul picture..hehe..)
Lots of love,
Thri elle craft

Thursday 31 January 2013

Quilting with love..

As Salam all..
 Clock showing it's 1 am but I want to write before I sleep..yup, before umar bgn..huhu
Just wanted to share how I sew quilts in my own..hehe.. 
I actually skip many quilting rules but I did not mind as long as its perfect and beautiful ..hihi
This is a selection of my client who wanted embroidery baby's name on a quilt. Amsyar namanya. Cute isnt it?

so, before I paste embroidery baby's name, I set my sewing machine with zigzag stitch width and length as in the picture. 

Quilters often will use a free motion foot for zigzag stitches so that they are easily move the fabric in alphabetical order, but I use clear view foot. I'm stubborn, right? hihi 
So, tadaaa da siap and im ready to put my batting and backing on like this. I use thick batting so it will fluffy and soft. so, bestnye baby baring or you can use it to cover the baby also.. 

I use pins to attach the fabric with batting and then I bast the quilt so I can remove the pin and ready for free motion quilting. Free motion quilting will enable me to sew in the image that is in the top quilt. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of how I sew free motion.sorry sgt2, terlampau khusyuk menjahit, tau2 da siap buat..huhuhu

There are two type of quilt binding. A hand sew binding or machine binding. i mix it both..hehehe.. **ini sume poyoo** ..
I cut the fabric width of 2.5 inches and make sure it is enough to frame the quilt. I fold the stripe and jangan lupa iron kan stripe tu supaya ia kemass and just sew on quilt. like this .. tadaaa mana picturenyer? owh..bawah..hehe
jgn lupa buang excess batting tu sebelum binding.
so, the last process was sewing my binding with hand stitching. Hemmed the stripe back on the quilt and start to sew..row row row ur boat lalalala (stress sket jahit tgn ni..lmbt tp kemas :) ) .. hoooyyeeaaahh..

done!!(sorry gamba kurang terang)
view from the back

More, more and more..
Quilt dia mcm ni (size approx 43" x 36")

Back of the quilt

Thank you for visiting. Any questions? just whatsapp me at 0133808464. Need more panel design? just visit my facebook photo album

Lots of love,
Thri Elle Craft

Sunday 20 January 2013

Giraffe Quilt and a matching pillowcase

As Salam evearyone...
Its already 2 a.m now and im ready to go to sleep after handsew binding a quilt ordered by my friend. its a bit tiring..yeah but i am satisfied with my work. poyo x?
but sleepy and serik sbb on the other night i had a bad headache n sgt tak larat nak bangun..huhuhu
Just want to show u the quilt ive made today for last 2 days..muahaha sgt lmbt nurul asyikin buat kerja..
I decide to make a simple pillow and a matching pillowcase as requested by her tomorrow lah. so after this quilt, i have one left quilt dat got to be done and i can open my quilt order afterwards (cant wait to borong the cotton although it wasnt for me..hehe)
Well..i am a cotton lover!! thinking of a charm pack from my fav online store fat quarter bundle maybe? ...of course!! Now i'm presenting to you a quilt n a matching pillow tadaaaaa!! (ini semua phoyoo!!) huhu

Monday 14 January 2013

Baby/Kids Quilt

As Salam everyone
Just want to share some photo of quilt for my customer....
Hoping that a smile will come out when they see the quilt and i just can imagine how cute their babies are using my quilt!..hihihi..
Start from RM 150 and above, you just don't how it worth for your money coz this quilt can be use up to 2-3 years more!! In US, they have winter season so that they can use this quilt as a comforter but it make sense if we use this quilt as a mattress cover, stroller cover or apa2 jelah..hihi..
Certain top quilt comes with a matching light weight cotton that i use for a pillowcase (rarely as a bed sheet or mattress case coz us designer cotton was so expensive!)..takdelah expensive sgt..among RM 35-45 per yard adalah..But if my customer request a complete set, i combined this cotton with japanese cotton (usually stripe/polka dot design) to reduced the cost..hihi..hmm..tak salah pon nak pakai 100% us designer cotton but don't get surprise when i tell u the total cost..hihi..dats what we called a customisation kan...hihiihi... enjoy the photos peeps!!
Cute giraffe design

Back quilt view

This one im using purple owl design. A complete set with cotton mattress case and a quilt.

Special custom made for my customer who request me to put her baby name on the quilt top, but she asked me to not revealed the name until she safely delivered her baby..ececehh..hehe..a matching newborn pillowcase only for RM 10. Hoyeeaahhh!!

A pinky quilt for Irdina. hmm.. i just love this quilt.. ahaa, i got an extra for this design, contact me if  you are interested.

Nice kan.. hi hi.. For more design, feel free to visit my Facebook Album - Baby Quilt  and please do not hesitate to contact me at or whatsapp 013 3808464  for any inquiries. 

" i got this fabric from May May shopETSY, and Fabric Fanatics". Between these three online shop, i just love ETSY..yippiiiee!!!